The ECOnGOOD Conference and Delegates Assembly 2024 will take place from June 20 - 22, 2024. It will be an international, online conference for all ECG members and guests from around the world. The Delegates Assembly, where elected delegates gather to decide on important strategic issues, will run in parallel and be integrated into the full conference.
During this unique event, the ECOnGOOD (Economy for the Common Good) movement will come together, network, share knowledge, strengthen our movement and support our elected delegates as they engage in strategic decision-making. The event will be online and the main language will be English. Simultaneous interpretations from English into German and Spanish will be available. Workshops, Open Spaces and Breakout Rooms will also be held in different languages! The event will be online and free of charge but we will be asking participants for a voluntary donation.
Please pass on the word to your members and your ECOnGOOD community so they can save the date of this major event. Register here. You will find the Zoom link for the event after registering.
If you have any questions please contact Gus (
Scroll down for detailed information about each day.
Important Dates
Registration (incl. Delegate registration): Feb. 7 to June 6
Proposal Submissions: March 20 - April 3
Proposals Final Submission: May 20
Proposal Workshop (Proposal 1: Closing the ICT): May 21, 2024, 17:00 CET
Conference: June 20 - 22, 2024, each day from 16:00 to 20:00 CET