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(*Approved by the Delegates Assembly 2016)


Table of Contents
Image Removed ECG Code of Conduct
decided at the Delegates Assembly 2016


All cultures have a system of values and rules to protect them. Whenever a group of people has formed, we have seen specific processes or mechanisms to organize the coexistence and use guidelines for the conduct of its members. Ethical guidelines are relevant for communities and their individuals for different reasons:

  • They facilitate our coexistence. Standards, values or moral criteria guide us in relationships with other people and justify expectations towards us and our behavior.
  • They help to avoid conflicts. If organizations and movements share values and have a common vision, many conflicts are avoided; and when they arise, they can be resolved in a more efficient and peaceful manner.
  • Greater efficiency. In organizations and movements in which people share values and respect common rules, fewer resources are spent in the coordination of actions and it is more likely that all ´push in the same direction´.
  • Less corruption. Ethical awareness and coherent behavior prevent from an improper use of advantages and generate a behavior of loyalty to the community and the common good.
  • Greater personal satisfaction. One of the experiences that undermines most a person's dignity, happiness and motivation is to be treated unfairly or unjust or even suffer violence.
  • Greater confidence. If an organization shares values and guidelines, expectations can be built on a defined common ground. Community life becomes easier if its members have some certainty that the common values and rules are respected.

The present document, our code of conduct, developed collaboratively with input from different people that integrate the ECG movement, will be the compass that guides us in all processes that we carry out to fulfill our mission.

Purpose of the Code of Conduct

This document contains our values and principles of cooperation, it is about the attitude we take towards each other, how we communicate and take decisions. This code cannot replace the intrinsic motivation of behaving in a cooperative, empathic, nonviolent and benevolent manner towards all other activists, but it helps to remind us of what we have agreed on orally and what we are committed to. It helps to appreciate our values.
We prepared this code of conduct with the following motivations:

  • To invite ourselves to reflect continuously on our commitments. A code of ethics puts ´black on white´ the commitments of the organization. It helps us to walk our talk and reminds us of our values and principles. Reflecting on the commitments of the organization helps to prevent mistakes and to generating disproportionate expectations.
  • Increase confidence in the organization and to society. Making a public commitment increases confidence in the movement and its organizations, since those who are related to the movement know what they can expect. When I have no idea nor guidance on how an organization works, the degree of my mistrust is greater. Uncertainty about how you will react in a conflict will be much higher than if you know what is the agreed attitude and procedure. This serves both those who integrate the movement, as we know what we can expect from each other; as well as the society in general which has a clearer information about the movement, its functioning, rules and values.

Values of the ECG movement

We want to remember what is the vision and mission of our Organization before developing the values that defines it.


Human Dignity (equal value, equal rights)
Ecological Sustainability
Social Justice
Democratic Participation and Transparency
These values constitute the core of the culture of the ECG movement, since they are what makes our relationships flourish, and we know from scientific research that to fulfilling relationships are the major source of motivation and happiness for human beings.

Principles of Cooperation

Involvement in the Economy for the Good (ECG) is generally open to all individuals. Each person is an added value to the international movement. At the same time, we engage as consciously as possible for successful relationships and joyful cooperation. In order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings I pledge to support the spirit of this mutual commitment:
Basic attitude:
