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The ECG movement has an extensive support network of Local Chapters. Each Local Chapter has its own coordinators. Beyond that we have a Local Chapter Support Team (contact information) which answers questions and supports the Local Chapter Coordinators. All Local Chapter Coordinators are asked to abide by the ECG Code of Conduct. The ECG Community Manager ( and International Reception ( coordinate local chapter support internationally.

Local Chapter Coordinators

Each Local Chapter has two coordinators, who are chosen by chapter members and should maintain this role for at least one year. They act as reliable contacts for all ECG activities in the area and work to encourage synergies and partnerships with other ECG Local Chapters, your ECG Association, local businesses and local politicians.

Tasks for Local Chapter Coordinators

  • Focus on effective and sustainable activities
  • Working to strengthen and further develop your Local Chapter ("First Steps")
  • Organize and facilitate chapter meetings
  • Facilitate the decision-making process within the group
  • Communication with the Local Chapter Support Team person in your region or country
  • Onboarding new members

Local Chapter Support Team

The Local Chapter Support Team is designed to support Local Chapter Coordinators in their respective regions with ECG activities. The team serves as a link to ECG regional associations (legal bodies). For the German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland we have an addition group called the Local Chapter Support Team DACH.

Members of the Local Chapter Support Team carry out the task for at least one year, at the end of which they find a successor and and pass on the necessary knowledge.

What we do

  • We support the Local Chapters (in organizational and content-related matters).

  • Our main contact persons are the coordinators of a Local Chapter.

  • We inform, moderate, coordinate, network and promote, and help define and secure standards.

  • We are a link between the Local Chapters and the responsible association.

  • We are legitimized by the Local Chapters (incl. active members) and accepted by the associations in our respective region.

  • We try to identify and serve the needs of our Local Chapters ourselves or through other ECG organizational units.

Common tasks

  • Support and networking of the Local Chapters in a specific geographical area
  • Support in setting up a onboarding
  • Regular contact with the Local Chapters coordinators (e.g. via networking meetings), and with activists on an ad hoc basis.
  • Promotion of the information flow between Local Chapters, associations and hubs
  • Promotion of knowledge and competences (further education, tutorials, etc.)

  • Promoting the exchange of good practices, experiences e.g. via IT tools (Wiki, Nextcloud)

  • Raising awareness for the rights and duties of Local Chapters (participation in delegates assembly, annual reports)

  • Confirmation and veto power regarding the foundation of new Local Chapters, as well as reorganization of existing local chapters

  • Co-defining and ensuring standards (e.g. process for founding local chapters, raising awareness for Code of Conduct)

  • Provide information to the assigned members of a Local Chapters with regard to SmartWe, and/or make adjustments

  • Regularly legitimize the roles of the members of the Local Chapter Support Team

Contact addresses for Local Chapter Support Team

Local Chapter Support Team - International: 

Local Chapter Support Team - DACH (German-speaking countries): 


Team Member

  • Bavaria
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen

-- missing

  • Eastern Germany (Berlin-Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen

    , Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

  • Northern Germany

-- missing

France, UK
Latin America
Brazil, Portugal
Luxemburg, Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, Africa & others